Four levels of consciousness.

The Four Levels of Consciousness

Awareness is the key to becoming your greatest version.

On my journey, I passed through four levels of consciousness.

The first one is the architype of the drone, the sleeper, the silent sufferer. It happened but it’s over. And when it was happening it was a state where I refused to accept myself. I refused to love myself.

Four levels of consciousness.Many of us, who love at this level, we feel we’re victims of our circumstances. Everything is happening to us. So, in that period of my life I would be going around and I would be affected by what people were telling me. I was judging myself every single day. I never ever felt good enough. It was hard to relax. I was nervous. I had low confidence levels.

This is a being who accepts everything and questions nothing. And we feel there are no consequences for our actions.

I used to a lot of junk food, lead an unhealthy lifestyle and I thought I could get away with it. Because at that level of consciousness, we don’t see how everything is connected. We don’t see what we think, what we say and what we say, affects us mentally, spiritually and emotionally. We have a hard time expressing the way we feel because we think we’re going to offend people.

What happened? What shifted me to the next level of consciousness/awareness, which is the Artist.

Now, where the Drone just suppresses, the Artist is all about expression.

That’s why you have many singers talking about their life experiences.

It’s just like you’re coming out of a storm. You’ve got a lot to shout about, a lot to scream about, a lot to talk about. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re in the process of healing yourself. Now, you’re just getting it of your chest. And it’s a wonderful feeling.

And that’s why artists hold so much power. Because they are bringing us to their own subjective reality. We’re seeing the world how the see the world.

The third level, this was where the magic started to happen for me – it’s the architype of the Alchemist.

The secret of alchemy is making the best out of the worst and not allowing external events to govern your internal condition.

In this level, I started to realize how my important my believe system were in creating my reality, how essential my environment was, what I was putting into my mouth. How I had to start taking responsibility how I felt towards myself.

Four levels of consciousness.Being an alchemist, it’s all about transformation, inner transformation. But also, it’s where we start doing the inner work. We just don’t start talking about it, we step in that radical action to start changing our lives for the better.

We don’t just focus on the positive, we now embrace the shadow side of ourselves. And it’s not easy because a lot of us want to be seen as a good person all the time.

Being an Alchemist, for the first time in my life I could let go of this perfection label and realize I’m not here to live up to other people’s expectations of me. So, the Alchemist is learning how to work with positive and negative within them.

The Alchemist also realizes that when people judging us, it’s a reflection of their own experiences. Moreover, the Alchemist is all about moving towards their true desires. And we do that in terms of the lifestyles, in choosing the friends and we move towards better opportunities.

And the fourth level of the pyramid is the architype of the Wizard, the Magician. Now this is where I’m at the moment. And I’m always fluctuating between the Alchemist and the Wizard. But, essentially the Wizard loves themselves unconditionally. And that’s where the magic starts to happen because when you accept yourself you start to get phenomenal confidence.

The Wizzard is all about synthesis – fusing the positive and negative elements of themselves together. And once you do that it’s easy to accept yourself because now, you’re not confined to what you think you are. You’re allowing all emotions, all expression to past through you without judgment.
That’s pure meditation.

The Wizard is able to pierce the vail of illusion but also, the Wizard is creating his/her own illusion. They are able to live in their own reality.

The Wizard and the Magician realizes that without other people we’re nothing. So, it’s all about synthesis because where the Alchemist primarily works alone, the Magician works with other people and that’s why much of the world is run by powerful Magicians. But at the same time, once you become your own Magician, you don’t have to externalize your power. You reclaim back your power.

Because the Drone architype is always externalizing their power. Waiting for someone to save them, looking always outside themselves. They give their power to institutions, doctors, not realizing they can heal themselves.

Four levels of consciousness.The Wizard is not afraid of asking for help but at the same time, they know they are the ones that hold the key to their inner freedom. And the Wizard is all about pushing the boundaries, taking those risks, moving out of your comfort zone and when you start trust unconditionally.

The Wizard always shares with the world their unique perspective. And in becoming a wizard is all realizing there is no rush. We are all born powerful Magicians as children but what happens – we become distracted, we become stuck because it’s never good enough.

The Wizard realizes that things aren’t happening to him/her. We can actually imprint our intention on the Universe because the simple act of observing something means that we’re now changing it. So, what attitude do we have towards the world because that’s being reflected right back to us.
The Magician always realizes the choices, the alternatives, the possibilities that lay in their hand. Right now I’m just amazed with so many people I’m having conversations with, who they had this moment of clarity where they describe it as being born again. That’s the experience I had, and I say that’s when you go from the Alchemist into being the Magician.

At the same time, the Wizard realizes how much they don’t know still. Because we living in a world of infinite information. The Wizard’s role isn’t to acquire information but to let go of what they think they know to allow the true life force energy to pulsate and permeate their entire core.

Because through the prana, through the chi, through nature we know interface with the truth who we are. But moreover through ourselves we see that we’re the secret we’ve been always searching for. It’s US.

All of these levels are necessary. Where the Drone lives in the mind – “If I cannot see it, it doesn’t exist.” The Artist and Alchemist live more in their heart space, their intuition. The Wizard fuses the heart and the mind together. Ultimate synthesis. Therefore, they’re integrating all aspects of aspect of the totality of who they are.

The Wizard sees the world for what it really us. A massive stage show. So they laugh at the world. They don’t take it seriously. However, they know Universal laws exist.

The Wizard is aware of the choices they’re making. They realize it’s not about eating wonderful plant-based food to raise your vibration, it’s also the mindset you have. And always, always realizing that you are enough.

A lot of us, we not only push ourselves beyond our limits, we do it because we feel that if we can somehow become someone else, everything will be perfect.

There is no rush to going through these levels. For me, it has been a gradual process and it has only happen the moment I started to embrace and love myself. So, for me all of that has given me incredible awareness.